You can fix your point of sale yourself or contact us at any given time. The following videos shows you the only issues that could go wrong due to recurrent power outages or sudden power loss and how to fix them. Its a step by step guide and our guarantee in keeping your system running indefinitely. We also take you on the tour/training on various features that you may have forgotten to use on our training. Remember also that we are always available telephonically as well!. Solving and fixing your point of sale has never been easier with minimum down time!. No more support fees,Free telephonic assistance or free remote dial in, Life time free License transfer. We've got you covered!.

                  Unable to Connect To Database Error Message and how to resolve(stand alone computers)


Every now and again computers are bound to expect a sudden power loss and eventually you may land up with a error that doesn't let you open the point of sale with out the database having to be connected again. This is the only error you may ever encounter and is very easy to resolve. just follow the attached video below!.